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Be The Right Model

Finding Jobs

The best place to start looking for jobs is with friends and family. Does anyone you know own or manage a business? Could you be used in the advertising? Does anyone you know work for a fashion or clothing store? Find out if the store does any type of fashion shows. Would the store let you organize a fashion show? Beyond friends and family, you may need to start approaching some businesses on your own. Signing up with an agency may be helpful, but you'll still be expected to hustle and sell your own skills. You'll also be much more interesting to legitimate agencies if you can demonstrate that you've already had work experience and have been able to find your own jobs.

Contact photographers to see if they have any projects or jobs they can use you for. Often times, if you're willing to pose for free, you can negotiate having them use your photos in their advertising. If you're interested in posing for glamour types of work or even humorous images, the photographer may give you a percentage of any publication royalties if your photos are published. It's very helpful to get your face in magazines and on postcards and greeting cards. This gets you national exposure. The "famous" model can get jobs more easily than the unknown.

The key to being a successful model is having other people perceive you as a successful model. Seeing your image over and over again and having people recognize and remember your face and name creates that perception. You want your clients to seek you out because you are recognizable. There are thousands of people with pretty faces and even more that want to be models. The ones that make a living at it have worked hard to put themselves ahead of all the competition.

One crucial skill you'll need to develop is networking. The ability to introduce yourself and talk with other people is quite valuable as it will open doors for you both in meeting potential clients and ing helping you sell your product (you!) Attending events and expos (modeling and otherwise) on a regular basis will help you develop these skills.

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